At Home Workouts
Do you think working out at home is as beneficial as it is in the gym?
It’s really all in how you approach it- if you take the time to set up an at-home gym area with all of the basics and you have the discipline to actually use it, working out at home will save you time, money and the hassle of driving to the gym, parking and dealing with crowds and sweaty equipment. It all depends on what motivates you! It also depends on the exercises you are doing- I prefer circuit training which can be done with minimal equipment just about anywhere!
Ideally how many times a week should a person work out at home?
Schedules can be so demanding and there are always excuses not to work out, but it is important to prioritize your health and set aside at least 3-4 days to workout at home. Your exercise sessions should range between 25-45 minutes to be truly effective. I encourage people to get creative in their workouts and try implementing new exercises and movements to keep things fresh.
What are some of the advantages of gyming at home?
You can multi-task! Picture this- in one hour you put on a load of laundry, start thawing out some chicken and veggies for dinner and get a great at-home workout! You don’t have to worry about getting dressed up and impressing anyone or deal with the sweaty and car drive home from the gym back because you can hop in your home shower right after you finish! It’s a win-win situation!
What are some disadvantages for working out at home?
Sometimes it may be hard to stay motivated if it’s just you and your home gym. You need to really have the discipline and desire to stick to your routine but there are also plenty of ways to keep yourself on track like putting up some motivational posters/quotes/photographs in your exercise area or refrigerator and maybe having some exercise DVDs or your favorite Fitness Youtube channel ready for the days that you don’t want to think!
What gym equipment do u think women need to buy if they want to set up a home gym ??
Every woman needs to have an exercise mat, a couple of pairs of dumbbells (ranging from 3-12 pounds, depending on fitness level but at least a pair of 5 and 8 pound dumb bells), a resistance band, a stability ball and a piece of cardio equipment. The cardio equipment does not have to be anything fancy- a kettlebell or jumprope works just fine!